Being a self-employed trucker means you don’t have the same luxuries as company drivers when it comes to insurance benefits. You, however, are one of the fortunate ones – your membership in the National Association of Independent Truckers (NAIT) comes with an exclusive offer!
During the month of September, Truckers Healthcare and Allstate Benefits are providing NAIT members with an exclusive opportunity to purchase Life Insurance at competitive group rates! Enrollment is quick and at an affordable cost!
Hurry! This Offer is for a limited time only!
What to know:
What does Guaranteed Issue mean?
G/I means your approval is guaranteed, regardless of your medical history. There are NO medical questions and no exam requirements.
How much can I buy that is guaranteed?
Members get up to $100,000 and up to $30,000 on spouse.
Can I purchase more?
Yes. You can buy up to $250,000 by answering "No" to a few medical questions.
How do I get a quote or enroll?
It's easy. Call 888.472.4114 Monday - Friday (9AM - 7 PM EST) and a benefit counselor will assist you. If you decide to enroll, the application is taken right over the phone. It's paperless, so no signature needed, plus no exams!
How is premium paid?
Premiums are conveniently withdrawn from either your bank account on a day of your choosing.
How much does life insurance cost?
Less than you're probably thinking. Below is a sample, but a licensed benefit counselor will be more than happy to provide a personalized quote with no obligation.
Sample monthly rates based on $50,000 (non-smoker):
Member age 35 $20.40/month
Member age 45 $42.00/month
Member age 55 $93.75/month
Do premiums increase as I get older?
No, premiums remain level thru age 100
Can I keep my policy?
Yes. Simply maintain your NAIT membership and this policy stays with you no matter who you drive for.